10 Remarkable Earth Facts

Every year on 22 April, we’ve celebrated Earth Day and the beautiful planet we call home. Earth Day, established in 1970, has been used to highlight our planet’s environmental challenges and raise awareness of the importance of protecting our world for future generations. But shouldn’t every day be Earth Day? We only have one beautiful planet after all. We hope you enjoy this curated list of 10 of the most remarkable facts about Earth. 

  • Earth isn't actually round.

  • Coral reefs are Earth's largest living structure.

  • Earth has a squishy interior.

  • Antarctica is home to the largest ice sheet on Earth.

  • The Moon is drifting away from Earth.

  • Atacama is the driest place on Earth

  • Europe is the second smallest continent n size but with the third largest population.

  • Earth's magnetic pole is creeping westward.

  • Tibetan Pletaeu is Earth third Pole
  • Tree   ees are breathers


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